What Compels You?
Ever wonder why we as humans feel compelled to create? What drives us to make our art, craft objects...compose music? I started thinking about this and came up with a few ideas as to why people are compelled to create.

I believe we make art in order to: Express emotion Express Ideas Share stories Understand our world Understand ourselves Connect with others Communicate Remind us of our humanity Instigate change Connect to our spirit Inspire those around us Create awareness Create pleasure Educate Improve our surroundings To prove something…to ourselves and others To foster understanding Create a sense of unity To provoke To entertain To enlighten Document culture Mark a time Honor people, events and places Affect social change Heal ourselves Heal others Elevate the ordinary Adorn ourselves Explain the unknown Create an illusion Challenge ourselves Challenge others Commemorate the past
Take care of ourselves
Take care of others
Become masterful
Be singular
Elevate the ordinary
Reinforce cultural ties and traditions
Feel free to add to this list... What compels you?
In the beginning, God created....
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
I reason then that as a created being, created in the image of the Creator, I am compelled to create.
Love your work, Alicia!
Daniel J. Noack